Well.... what to write? And how to start this blog off on the right foot? I have so many unposted posts written and started, but none seemed fitting for my FIRST OFFICIAL POST! I guess I will start with how grateful I am to have an outlet to display my creativity, craziness, passions, and love of life. I am a stay at home mom and any stay at home parent or working parent knows that when you are at home too long with hecticness happening around every corner, things can get a little overwhelming. I LOVE being a stay at home mommy, so don't get me wrong! I feel completely honored to be able to bring up and guide my munchkins into what I know will be amazing contributing adults. The process of getting there can sometimes be agonizing and rough though..... I will not pretend that I know how to do all of this and still be sane by the end, so hopefully this will be a place where I can write what's going on in my head and things going on in my life and somehow be a better person at the end of each day. This is my way of getting the good, bad, and ugly out, without it dictating how I will be as a mother and wife. Ideally I see myself as being this amazingly fit attractive woman who my husband just can't wait to get "alone time" with, I cook all healthy meals from scratch for my family every day, my home is clean and organized, I am patient and kind to my children and discipline in a way that is effective, I have time to read and do daily devotionals, I have amazing style, I am strong, happy, and confident, I am gracious and kind and non-judgmental, I show the love of God on a daily basis, I make a difference in the world....etc. And all though many of these things may be true statements, most of which are not all at the same time, I fail so drastically on so many levels! I have so much to work on and yet I know I have so much to offer. I hope this journey will enlighten me and maybe support you in your journey and experiences as a mommy and wife. SO Happy Reading! And Here's to Being An Official Blogger!