Monday, November 24, 2014

The Attitude of Gratefulness

In honor of Thanksgiving this week and being that Veterans Day just past, I thought Gratitude would be a fitting subject. All I have to say is that I am SO grateful to all of our veterans and our founding fathers who have given me and my family the freedom to live in this country we call home. Thank you to all who serve, who have served and all who have given their lives for the love of their people and country!

On another note....... I have to say I am so extremely tired of hearing the whining and the negativity and downright ungrateful words come from our mouths. Most of us have absolutely no idea of what it's like to want for anything. My children often hear words like these from me because it's just plain true. We live in a very wealthy country and yet we whine way too much! We whine if the coffee we ordered isn't perfect. We whine if we have to wait in line at the grocery store. We whine about the traffic. We whine and complain and feel the need to express our every discomfort through the look on our faces, our body language, and our attitudes. What a bunch of ungrateful snobs we can be!  Just saying.... and forgive me, I know that many if us try not to retaliate when things don't go our way.... but I also know that frustration and attitude seem to be so quick to escape our bodies without warning! Now I'm not saying to just get walked all over by people who just don't give a care, or to graciously take your coffee just the way you got it and be happy with it, but it's all about your character in the way you deal with any situation. Why is it so hard for the human soul to be kind and understanding? To be gracious and serving instead of selfish and unreasonable? If you ask me, we all act like a bunch of babies sometimes. We are quick to correct our children when they are treating each other unkindly or having out of line behavior and yet we catch ourselves doing the very same things. It doesn't have to be like that though! If we could only remember how very fortunate and blessed we are as we go about our day, then maybe we could not only change our own lives in a much more positive direction, but I guarantee we could change the lives of others around us! If we could just take the focus off of ourselves and put all that energy on thinking about someone else! To all my mommy friends, I know what you're thinking! "How much more could I possibly spend thinking about someone else? I'm a mother, that's all we do!" And it's true, we think about the needs of others most of the time, but I know I am all out of "understanding" and "kindness" many times when it comes to other people who are not my family. After all, can't they see what a hard day I've had? And to that all I can say is, just try you're best! You're not always going to be well rested, unemotional, and feeling like you can be the one to let yet another person cry on you're shoulder. 
Just to bring a little incite to what I'm talking about:
Feeding America quotes "15.8 million children under 18 in the United States live in households where they are unable to consistently access enough nutritious food necessary for a healthy life". 
Centers For Disease Control and Prevention quotes, "Each year, hundreds of thousands of adults over the age of 60 are abused, neglected, or financially exploited. In the United States alone, more than 500,000 older adults are believed to be abused or neglected each year." 
Uniform Crime Reports, Federal Bureau of Investigation reported, "One woman is beaten by her husband or partner every 15 seconds in the United States." 
If these things don't open our eyes.... I really don't know what to say! Right here in our own country there could be children right next door who don't have enough to eat! Parent's who can't find jobs to supply the needs of their children. A single mother or father working two jobs just to make sure he or she can keep the lights on and food on the table for a family they rarely get to see. These are the things we need to be thinking about! These are some the people that need a kind gesture and a glimpse of hope! And even to those who don't have such extreme situations, I know we all appreciate someone who really shows they care about you. It's true there are horrible things happening all over the world, but maybe we forget to look up away from the news and media and see that we have the power to change the life of someone right in front of our faces! 
I hope the next time my coffee isn't quite right or someone cut's me off on the road, I can remember to act in graciousness and kindness, and remember that my reaction has the power to change someone else's day as well as my own, for either the worst or the better. Will you be that glimmer of hope in humanity? 
Happy Thanksgiving and REMEMBER to LOOK UP with Gratitude!

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